ISSDA Gold Star Awards Recipients

The GOLD STAR Awards are given to no more than five individuals each year who, through their public service, demonstrate genuine dedication to supporting the goals and ideals of ISSDA's mission "To Serve and Protect the People of Iowa."

Recipients are selected for this honor by sheriffs and deputies of the ISSDA Legislative Committee and Board of Directors, who work side by side with policy makers each year on public safety and law enforcement issues that directly impact Iowans. No more than two members each of the Iowa House and Senate and no more than one member or agency of the Executive Branch are eligible to receive the award each year.

Chet Culver, Governor
Mike Gronstal, Senate Majority Leader
Larry Noble, State Senator (now Public Safety Commissioner)
Jim Lykam, State Representative
Lance Horbach, State Representative

Gene Meyer, Public Safety Commissioner
Clel Baudler, State Representative
Kevin McCarthy, State Representative
Keith Kreiman, State Senator
Pat Ward, State Senator

Sam Knowles, Dept. of Public Safety
Susan Cameron, ISSDA Lobbyist

Terry Branstad, Governor
Kim Reynolds, Lt. Governor
Tom Hancock, State Senator
Bob Kressig, State Representative
Gary Worthan, State Representative

Arlen Ciechanowski, ILEA Director
Bill Dix, State Senator
Bob Dvorsky, State Senator
Deborah Berry, State Representative
Renee Schulte, State Representative

Chip Baltimore, State Representative
Steve Sodders, State Senator

Ross Loder, DPS
Tod Bowman, State Senator
Jack Whitver, State Senator
Darrel Branhagen, State Representative
Todd Prichard, State Representative

Dale Woolery, IDCP
Kevin Kinney, State Senator
Amy Sinclair, State Senator
Guy Vander Linden, State Representative
David Dawson, State Representative

Pam Jochum, State Senator
Jason Schultz, State Senator
Steven Holt, Representative
Dave Jacoby, Representative

Wes Breckenridge, Representtive
Joel Fry, Representative
Jeff Edler, State Senator
Liz Mathis, State Senator
Rick Schultz, DHS MH Coordinator

Dan Dawson, State Senator
Jarad Klein, Representative
Delbert Longley, Jail Administrator

Tony Bisagnano, State Senator
Brad Zaun, State Senator
Iowa State Patrol Tactical Team

Marti Anderson, State Representative
Bobby Kaufmann, State Representative
Stephan Bayens, Commissioner, Iowa Department of Public Safety

Chris Cournoyer, State Senator

Carrie Koelker, State Senator
Patrick Grassley, State Representative
Brenna Bird, Attorney General

Brady Carney, Director of ILEA
David Young, State Representative
Mike Bousselot, State Senator